Investacast continues to invest in ever stronger growth - an update from MD Chris Thompson - Investacast

Investacast continues to invest in ever stronger growth – an update from MD Chris Thompson

Published - 29th May 2023

InvestacastInvestacast continues to invest in ever stronger growth – an update from MD Chris Thompson provides design, prototyping, casting, machining and finishing services to customers throughout the world. In the last 12 months the company has continued to invest in people, premises and process to drive further improvements for these customers. 

In this blog, Managing Director Chris Thompson explains the three key factors securing a strong future for Investacast. 

Investment in UK manufacturing operations 

Continued investment in a strong and cost-effective manufacturing base in the UK is important to Investacast, already an experienced market leader in investment casting. 

Upgraded Shell Room 

We have recently reviewed and completely refitted our Shell Room to provide state-of-the-art technical control and tools. This investment will improve our already-high efficiency, whilst providing additional capacity for our growing customer base. 

Robotic technology for CNC 

Our £200k+ investment in an automated CNC machine loading cell for the Machining Shop now allows us to make 24/7 use of the facility. Robotic automation enables Investacast to increase productivity, so customers benefit from quicker response times and a faster turnaround. 

Investment in growth 

Investacast has grown physically, too, having recently acquired 10,000 sq. ft of additional warehousing to support an expansion in business over the next few years. The area will be used for processes such as assembly and inspection as the business continues to develop. 

Investment in people 

We have a highly skilled team at Investacast, and are working to ensure that customers benefit from their expertise, whilst ensuring there are proper systems for training and succession. 

Customers will benefit from the creation of four new positions – Commercial Manager, Strategic Sourcing Manager, Operations Manager and Quality Manager, designed to ensure Investacast continues to source the best quality products at the right price for every buyer.  

Growth in 2023 and beyond 

“2023 finds Investacast in a strong position,” concludes Chris. “The world economy seems to be stabilising, and we can now visit China for technology and quality reviews. We are seeing growing interest from a range of sectors, particularly Oil & Gas and Aircraft seating, and we have invested to increase our capacity to ensure we can support our customers’ growth.” 

The business looks forward to continued investment to exploit technical and engineering advances, including further automation, sharpening Investacast’s competitive edge. 

“Investacast is growing bigger and stronger, with an expert team and impressive facilities. I am proud of what we have achieved and look forward to further developing our customer-led strategy for the future.” 

To find out how you can become a customer of Investacast, contact Investacast on +44 (0) 1271 866200 or email [email protected] for more information.

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