Investment casting in Industrial Automation - Investacast

Investment casting in Industrial Automation

Published - 28th Feb 2023

How Investacast parts can improve safety and efficiency, and cut costs

The demand for automation solutions across all sectors is surging following the impact of the pandemic on global production. Automation technology and hardware plays a crucial role in safeguarding processes and people, allowing businesses to operate efficiently even when manpower is not available.

Investment casting for industrial automation

A significant portion of Investacast’s production output is for industrial automation applications. Our customers provide a range of systems designed to help gain process efficiencies and develop sustainable business models by improving operating efficiency and reducing sensitivity to labour market fluctuations.

Casting Safety Interlocks

Investacast manufactures a variety of components for integrated safety control systems for safety sensing, industrial control and motion control. For example, we manufacture investment and pressure-die cast metallic housings for electronic systems which combine safety functions with motion control. We also produce components for automated fire detection systems on oil rigs – in fact, much of Investacast’s production is destined for safety-critical applications where customers know they can rely on our expertise to meet demanding specifications.

Casting for automated warehousing systems

The global pandemic forced industry to invest in robust systems which automate production and logistics processes, ensuring continuity of output in the face of social distancing and other restrictions. Investacast is contributing to industrial automation in this sphere by manufacturing a variety of components for warehousing operations infrastructure that facilitate the storage, picking and packing of goods for home delivery.

Improving industrial automation with Investacast

At Investacast we are investing in industrial automation ourselves at our premises in Devon, including the acquisition of a robot-loaded CNC machine which can operate 24/7 at high levels of output. Our sister companies in Expromet Technologies Group are also investing in similar technology to improve processes and increase efficiency.

The automation of industrial processes has considerable benefits for a wide range of sectors:

  • It enables 24/7 operations, driving down customer costs
  • It provides improved safety for workers, reducing down-time
  • It provides opportunities for upskilling the workforce
  • It limits worker exposure to chemicals, heavy loads or repetitive operations
  • Automated processes are usually faster, increasing turnover
  • Automated processes can be more consistent, improving quality
  • Investacast works with customers to deliver robust and dependable components that will benefit both you and your teams.

Automating your industry with Investacast

We have a team of expert UK engineers at Investacast who will work with you to design and develop your cast components, advising you on design for manufacture (DfM) and selecting the best manufacturing method.

Investacast is one of the world’s leading suppliers of investment castings and pressure die castings, with a wealth of skill and expertise. For more information on how we can support you with industrial automation applications, contact Investacast on +44 (0) 1271 866200 or email [email protected] for more information.

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